Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Rich and Afford to waste Resources

So, Gore can afford to squander our worlds resources because he is rich enough to buy Carbon Credits. Interesting, so if i am poor I really should conserve more,because I can't buy the Carbon Credits that allow me to waste energy.
I really am getting confused by this Hollywood crowd that wants only the middle-class and under to stick to their perfect conservation plan, but then they don't want to go by it themselves.
Most people don't even know what Carbon Credits are. I had to Google it to find out. But when he says that he buys them he is talking to his Hollywood crowd that gives him a , "we no where you are coming from nod".

Monday, February 26, 2007

James Cameron finds Jesus

This subject is very laughable!!! It is very much like six degrees to Kevin Bacon, if you go in one direction you can find the outcome you so desire. I have done it so often when I tackled as school project, just to find out that a classmate went in a totally different direction but their theory was also very believable.
To think that James Cameron is on some mission to expose Christianity's faults, you are badly mistaken. The only thing this man is determined to do is make an astronomical amount of money on peoples curiosity. He did it with Titanic and now he has proved Jesus did not raise from the dead!!!!! whoo hooo!!!!!! Give me a break, if you want to hand over hard earned money for garbage , go right a head.
This James Cameron is another P.T Barnum , he shovels it and we buy it. I believe it is a fair exchange for entertainment , but when the man, sell it, as the truth, Wack job!!!!!!!!
This film will join the others films I chose not to watch such as , Christ's Temptation , Da Vinci's Code, and Jesus Christ Superstar.
James Cameron good luck in your ventures and Godspeed to you.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dennis Miller We want More!!!

I get to see Dennis Miller for about 2 minutes a week and thats not enough. We want you to grace us with a Conservative news show. You are as smart as any of the talking heads on Fox. Please put it on the table Fox, he is a awesome investment. I am a pro-lifer, but you are intriguing and I think your mind can be changed, other than that you need to be in the spot light!!!!

Slow down Obama & Clinton

Pace yourselves!!! We have a very long time until people entering those polling booths!!! The gloves weren't expected to come off till at least next year!!! What are you thinking this whole hollywoood thing will backfire on both of you. Hillary with her jealousy slip showing, come on , you are a big girl. You and your husband have left footprints, some good, but most not. You couldn't make all your cronies happy!!! Don't sweat it!!! Keep your focus.
And Obama you have got to be kidding , attacking Clinton on the "Black Thing" honestly that will so sour on you so quickly. You guys are really going to be too winded to finish this race, and you will exhaust your constituents to the point of gagging.
Advice to the two liberal machines is Damage Control!!!! You sound like High Schoolers running for School Council. Tsk, Tsk Tsk. I am a Conservative to the bone, but you guys are clearly making mistakes that are evident to all.

Monday, February 12, 2007

What does John Edwards Stand For?

Two bloggers employed by John Edwards, Presidential Candidate, have shown to be bigoted against the Conservative Christians in this Country. Is it the message that John Edwards wants to represent him and his Party. When confronted with the Blasphemous comment by his employees he comments that he may not agree, but he will not fire.

Oh yeah. that is what we want in a President!!! What is it with the Democratic Party , do they not have it in them to take a stand, and stay the course? What happened to this Party?
Where is the Loyalty to America?

We need a President that says what he means and means what he says. This willy nilly left wing attitude is really disturbing. This boded well during the Vietnam war, because the Dems had a great following in their pursuit of opting out of a commitment and holding back the funds to make sure it happened. I really don't think that America is so sure to get behind their rants this time around. Why?

Well this war has a much different face. This is not fighting for Democracy only. This is fighting for our right to our way of life. America hates the War, and we should , but it is a very necessary evil, that we must fight or the evil will overtake us.
So while John Edwards has his employees put down the Christian values in this country , our boys are fighting and dying for the rights of this bloggers to say what they want. Even if it is so vile and hateful we can't stomach reading it.