Friday, March 30, 2007

Don't Worry Be Happy

It can be very discouraging to look at your television these days. There is so much that is going bad , it really is hard to see the good sometimes. I speak from experience. I am a news junkie, at I do feel at times it will pull one down. Hilliary is ahead in the polls, that is enough to do it right there. But we have to put one foot in front of the other, and let our hearts stay on course with what we feel is right.
It seems sometimes that a lot of people don't care about the road that our country and this world is traveling. But there are also a lot of people that care very much. And keep our world leaders in constant prayer. Us as humans can really think are piety controls the destiny of our lives, but that is what brings us to a world hurting today. Not looking at God as our source is a very dangerous thing. Christ taught his people to love.
My Grandma once said she was afraid that God was going to pull his Blessing from America. And yes ,in her wisdom she believes that will happen. We are a blessed country that started with the values of our Lord and Saviour and today , if you proclaim that, you are looked at as an outsider. We can't continue to let the secular society close us in a box.
It is more acceptable today, to be a Lesbian or a transvestite to being a Christian. To glorify a Playboy Model that overdosed on drugs than to glorify something from our Lord Jesus Christ. I thought we were to be like Christ. The same yesterday, today , and tomorrow. I believe this to be true. Do You?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bill Richardson is not the Right Stuff

Bill Richardson pulling out of a debate being co-host by Fox News is really very appropriate. He really should stay among frienda at the liberal leaning Networks and their cable namesakes. Why does it bother Liberals so much that there is finally a channel that is number one in the News Market and don't realize that these are the people they should be talking to . They all ready have the Liberal Hippie base so why would they say exactly what the talking heads on the "Main Stream Media " all ready preach everyday.

I know it just burns people of the Left Leaning that Fox News is a respected fair and balanced venue to receive our daily news.

Come on Libs, us Conservatives are not ever going to tuck tail and run, that is what Clinton did. And , well 9-11 speaks for itself. This War on Terror is not a passing fad , like not inhaling pot, but it an ongoing trial, a serious matter. Liberals like to talk down to America, and we are not stupid. We don't only live on only the sound bites you filter to us. But we are deliberate and informed Americans that make our decision out of the best interest first in our Country, which we must preserve or everything else is for naught.

Friday, March 02, 2007

We Need A Hero In The Republican Party!!!!

Like the song says " we need a Hero" . Cuz what we got now is nothin'. I sat back and thought about our candidate versus the Democrat candidates, well our side has Giuliani: married three times, John McCain: married twice. I know Romney is married to his original, but we all know he doesn't have a chance. Then they are throwing Fred Thompson in the mix. Married twice, and a whole lot of fooling' around. What happen to the Moral Party. We expound our morals and our Conservative views and for the life of us can't find a candidate that can manage a career in politics and a marriage. I am old school. How can you manage a Country if you can't manage your own home.
I know things happen , but not one candidate that can pull of one marriage . Then Gingrich is thinking about running, there is three marriages too. What is happening to our party!!!! It's not walking the walk. Come on, we need a good guy that shines. It is really sad when the Democrat Party with its pot smoking , anti-military, socialist leaning candidates come out looking better that Republicans in the marriage area. Clinton's married, fooling around documented forever in the history books, but still married. Barack Obama, yep.... one wife.
We want a Hero, we want a Cowboy. Bush has been a great President!!!!! He is a thinker. He says what he means. I would hate to see this office go back to a party that doesn't even respect the office enough to leave the White House with Vandalizing it.( removing all the W's from the White House keyboards)
The problem with Democrats is they love to play devil's advocate with anyone that is against America. Well, they think, it must be our fault. Is that loyalty to a country you love? I don't think so!! But I do pray, and know that God is ultimately is in Control of all this Political in fighting. So Anxiety does not plague my mind over such things. Faith is steadfast, and the ultimate belief that everything works for the good!!!!