Monday, April 09, 2007

Throwing Imus to the Wolves

Every once in a while I would turn on MSNBC to listen to Don Imus in the Morning. Usually turn it after about 10 minutes . Little to the left for my taste. After this comment he made about the Rutgers basketball team, and the response it enlisted. I am really feeling sorry for the guy. Hey, all President Clinton had to say was sorry for messing with an intern in the oval office. All Clinton had to say was "sorry " after he lied about messing with an intern in the oval office. But this man Don Imus, that I don't agree with politically said something bad, and then apologized, quite sincerely I might add, and they want to hang him out to dry.
What is wrong with this country? Is it your class, your power. What? Imus not far enough up the ladder for Jackson , and Sharpton, to grace Mr. Imus with their forgiveness.? Feel bad, make amends Mr. Imus, and after you have ask for forgiveness move on. These people do not constitute what is in your heart, and don't even begin to let them make you believe they do. This is a PC crazy world!!! One group can say one thing, and another group can say the same thing and BOOM it's over. It is truly ridiculous, but so is Sharpton, and Jackson, spewing their flavor of racism, but theirs is suppose to be easier to swallow.
This is a free country to say what you want!!! If you hurt feelings , and you care, you can ask for forgiveness, and you should get it.!!!!!!!
It's funny the Left Wing Loons are not eating their own!!!!! Sad.....

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