Thursday, November 02, 2006

Marching right down to the Democractic Party

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Kinda off Subject?

I know that this observation is really stupid, but sometimes you have to get stupid. By "getting stupid" I mean if you don't let go and have some fun in the middle of all the crap, it gets kind redundant.
But anyway, I think if you were to look at Barney Rubble " the cartoon guy" and made him into a real person, I really think he would look just like Howard Dean. It took me awhile, to get the association, but after the screaming speech, BINGO. Barney Rubble. I really think that Howard Dean is a very passionate person, and that quality lends itself more to the Fred Flinstone character, but the look is definitely Barney Rubble.

Howard Dean showing his Primal Hate for the Conservatives

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John Kerry getting a little message from the Troop

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The ACORN Group is at it AGAIN

The ACORN Group, is getting it for voter fraud again. The organization insures that only a select number of their workers can be connected. But to think that after this latest, this is the third year in a row that their workers are charged with voter registration fraud. Come on this is so stupid.
It is reminiscent of 2004 when the Democrats popped the tires of 30 plus Republican workers tires so they could not get out the vote. Is that what it means to be a Democrat, to lie cheat, steal and do anything that justifies the means. Punch your own cards, leave my card alone, my vote is mine and mine only.



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

NOW do you believe the bias of Media???

Keith Oberman, Chris Matthews , Wolf Blitzer, and Don Imus, are they on the payroll of the Democratic Party? I f they are are not they must be working pro bono. The circus I witnessed today was incredible, these news networks circled around John Kerry like the covered wagons did in the wild west. It was quite humiliating for us to watch. The ship was sinking and they vowed to go down with it. It is so unfortunate that the Left insists on hating to the point that it effects their judgment when it comes to fairness. Is this a revelation that we as conservatives unveiled but the Liberals choreographed the whole program.. Why do they insist on being a a constant state of denial when it comes to our countries security? This is and important matter, not a pawn to use to destroy our country. These pro bono ideologue insist on trying to influence the American people. How pompous and elite their thinking must truly be

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Go John Stewart and John Kerry , You Go

Every time John Stewart opens his mouth he makes me thinkof another John. Kerry, of course the two love to alienate their liberal veiws from main stream America. Come on, Johns get with the program, and you might have a chance of being like by more than Pot smoking, kumbaya singing , people who think Austin Powers should have been nominated for an Oscar group of people. I don't want to hinder or change your opinion about anything , you guys do a great job every single time you open your mouth's. You guys are gold . Keep it up. Go Boys