Friday, July 31, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Chains that Bind-Liberal Uncle Tom Menality

Has slavery really been eradicated? I mean has African Americans become a free people?.In the context of our society you could say,that many Americans died to make all people free.Brother against brother fighting each for what they thought was the right.But did that great war with the heaviest casualties ever amassed in American History,really eradicate the true definition of slavery?I really don't believe it did.
As to date 13 million black babies since 1973 in this Country-Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.

This is genocide,perpetrated against a minority group -one that was under the understanding that they were a free people. But their offspring is being eradicated by a group founded by a racist Margaret Sanger.This woman would give speeches to the klu klux klan and she believed in Eugenics a system of ridding society of the "unfit" an "undesirable".
This was a technique also employed by Adolf Hitler and his "extermination" of the Jews. While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others.

Does this sound like freedom-It sounds like that if you put a different face on the same evil, it becomes good?No way-This is a lie that just keeps getting more and more credible.While all the time, all it can be called is "incredible".This is acceptable?I really hope it isn't!The lie has to be exposed.The fact that genocide is happening and seemingly the Party-Democrats ,don't care!Why is that?They tell the minorities "we are in there fighting for you,getting you what you deserve"and all the time their babies are not given value or purpose.The liberals make the minorities think they are have to have them to succeed or not succeed.It is a vicious cycle that has to be stopped.
The Marriage rate for African Americans has dropped since the 1960's around the same time the Democratic Party convinced this demographic that they were in their corner.The broken families that have resulted since this period is astronomical. In the 1940'a African American divorce rate was about the same as whites.Around 22%.Liberal agenda involves destroying the traditional family structure. One,Planned parenthood.Had and does promote promiscuity,no value to life.Two trying to obscure the lines of what constitutes a family structure,ie-gay,homosexual,agenda for an acceptable marriage arrangement and environmental family.
First, African Americans are told "we don't value your offspring" and that we are going to use your enormous struggle in this Country "slavery" "civil rights" to piggyback our other agendas by saying that being gay is like being black!!Are you serious? I am personally disturbed that there is not more of an outrage in the Black Community.Can I say it is an Uncle Tom mentality?Well that is how I feel about it .
The majority of the African American Community feel they are "beholden" to the Uncle Tom's ie- Liberals for bringing them so far!What? They didn't do anything that Martin Luther King Jr. didn't do. He wanted "Civil Rights" and he wanted it 'clean'.Not the dirty way it has arrived!! There was no beholden when it came to Martin Luther King jr. He knew that his dream would be realized!But it was tainted,because he was taken! The Liberals got credit for what wasn't theirs.History warped and distorted the facts,and now we stand with African Americans being enslaved once again,by the same Party that didn't want the Civil Rights Amendment passed.Democrats.Robert Byrd WV.Head of the klu klux klan. It is a joke that isn't funny.
The slavery that exists today in our Country is not one that can be seen by chains that shackle the legs,but in the chains that Liberals keep tightening with the control that they wield and the fear that they instill.It is one of cruelty and shame.It is of unthinkable misery.They actual promote the lie that Democrats are going to get blacks jobs by "leveling the playing"field.Wait red lights- translation "We don't value enough so we have to make the system , can compete" How demeaning is that? ..and it is the truth.They degrade in every action and it is praised.Or the lie that says "will will subsidize housing and you can get a boost up" Oh yeah this one has worked out horribly.The "projects" how they are referred, are full of fear from crime,drugs and poor living conditions.Oh that boost up is really a boost out.Not valuing a person is telling them that can't compete or succeed without giving them a handout,a handout that is proven to kill the spirit and discourage the soul!
The vote is a powerful tool and if the Liberal can control this massive demographic with lies,and deceit their larger agenda can be accomplished.It hurts the heart to think that a group in America can wield such dangerous power of our African American citizens and if we speak of such things, we are told we are racist.
How is it racist to stop the killing of over eighteen hundred black babies aday?How is it racist to tell someone that your are of equal value with every other human being?You can do anything you work hard and put your mind too.That you don't need me or any other group to propel you anywhere,you can do anything in America.How is it racist to say that being a homosexual does not come to the level at all,of the Civil Rights Movement?How is it racist to want African American fathers to stay at home and raise their children?How is it racist to understand and admire the work of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.,because he said to judge a man on the content of his character?How is it racist to fight against the injustice that is what the Democratic Party is leveling on the minorities in this Country?
This is America and it is so sad to see a Country that lost 620,000 men died by 1865 to free a people from the slave masters that controlled their destinies.
Why do we taint that blood that spilled for such a noble cause,to sit and watch a second enslavement and sit in silence.I will not sit in silence and hope every good and fair minded America will not bow down to the Liberal Agenda!!They hurt in the guise of help.Their lies must be exposed, the division that they wield as something they want to rid the World of,is in reality their ticket to anything they want.As that division widens they blame the conservatives.
In fact, they wield the sword of division proudly-it is their power.They can say "look they want to hold you back ,we want to help you" the Liberals words drip with deciet and pure evil.They speak of themselves,they want to hold back, and their help is guised in dependence.
NO American is beholden to anyone,and if you are and the "beholder" does not realease you from that thought-they are slavemasters, that don't value your worth as a human being!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

America Better Wake-Up

Today in the Jerusalem Post it is reporting that the US is saying to "premature"for them to impose sanctions on Israel.What is going on here?Is this the bully administration of America attacking a little Country (Israel)when they all ready sit amongst ravenous wolves!!This is so incredible,America when will you wake up out of your messiah induced haze and see where this Administation is taking us.Israel has been our biggest ally in the Middle East.The only real ally really!!Now our President of "change" wants to flip the world on it's ear and favor the Arabs!!Who attacked us on 9/11? It was not Jews,it was muslims.Our Government acts as if they don't know what is taught out of the Koran.They know.Jihad is taught and hate againts Jews and non-muslims.That is why you must be informed.Read the Koran.Tell your friends to read it.Your eyes will be opened.This is truly a sad day in American History!
Really need to go out and buy Saul Alinskys book "Rules for Radicals" and see the playbook that this Administration is using.This is Israel of the Bible.Israel that God gave this land to.There wasn't even a Palestian State until very recent.The UN gave this land back to a battered people and this is how the USA repays these people of God!!I am disheartened for America, then I know that God is Sovereign and he will have the last word.In our infinite wisdom (which is very limited by God's measure) we cannot know what lies ahead.
We are praying for America and Israel and know that we cannot support our Government in these attacks on Israel!!

P.S In Deerborn Michigan last week,the Islamic Festival was held.Christians were not allowed to come near them with litature and if they tried they were hit and ran off.This is America this is not Islam.Read it-,2933,534301,00.html- The Sharia Law is all ready being ignored!!They call that tolerance-but watch the video tolerance is a one way street!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The worldwide economic not here yet!

J. James Estrada has been commenting on all the right things in politics since joining the Republican party during the years of the Reagan Administration.

The worldwide economic not here yet!
July 14, 11:18 AM

Barney FrankBernie Madoff begins his federal prison sentence today. That’s good. Madoff ripped off a multitude of investors to the tune of $50 billion. He was found guilty of his crimes in court and he will now pay by spending the rest of his life behind cold steel bars. Again, that’s good. And what’s good for Madoff should be good for the perpetrators of the sub-prime lending mess. So why are Barney Frank and Chris Dodd still in Congress?

Back in the 1990’s, Frank, Dodd, and a host of others within the Clinton administration, set off this ticking time-bomb by forcing banks to make loans to those they would not ordinarily loan. That is, to those who could not pay the loans back. The politicians, through their experiment in social engineering, rolled a moneymaker down Wall Street and the money guys went along for the big bucks. Well, the buck has stopped here.

With the election of President Obama, America was set to punish those who caused this financial crisis. However, instead, America has set a knife to the neck of its wounded body, not realizing that they have empowered the enablers.

Al Queda tried to place the country in this peril with the 9/11 attacks. But the Bush tax cuts caused a swift recovery to occur. Remember that the Dow reached over 14,000 in Bush’s second term? True, Bush was duped in 2008 with “bailout” fever, but the genesis of the economic landslide began during the heady days under Clinton.

As Bush proved, as did Reagan before him, the remedy to economic malaise is government getting out of the way of American ingenuity. Obama, though, is not getting government out of the way. He is setting government squarely in the way and building a dam to hold back recovery. In this way, he is not “wasting a good crisis,” and is moving to reshape America into a socialist’s paradise. But America will not be held back. A flood is coming that will smash the hopes of the comrades building this foolish bridge to the old Soviet Union.

If the flood does not come, then you will see a real worldwide economic collapse.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Obamageddon-Economic Collapse

Ever Present Media Bias

The Ever Present (Liberal) Media Bias
June 16, 3:22 PM Patrick McMahon
One of the most complex topics in American politics today is media bias. Yes it does exist on widespread level. Now being a political commentator or expressing your opinion, like I am doing right now, is not what I am referring to. I am talking about the “objective” news organizations that are supposed to report the news in an unbiased way, or just present the facts. The truth is that the vast majority of them do not do that anymore and that is resulting in a soaring number of people either being fed biased information or they are turning to more unconventional means of getting their news.

Most people know that the bias in news overwhelmingly is in favor of the Democratic Party, as it has been for many years now. That is not to say that there is not a Republican bias at all, but it is heavily outnumbered by the many liberal leaning news outlets. With the exception of Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, the Washington Times, and the political commentators in talk radio being sympathetic to the Republican Party; the rest appear to be favorable of the Democratic Party. The worst examples of this are the New York Times, the Washington Post, and MSNBC. They have been completely over the top in their support for President Obama and Democrats in Congress. CNN has a slight Democratic tilt, but no where near what it has been on MS-Obama…. I mean MSNBC. Liberal bias has not been working as was hoped, since the Democratic leaning news outlets are absolutely hemorrhaging viewers and readers. MSNBC is so far behind Fox News in the ratings it is pitiful. Not to mention the New York Times is facing a financial meltdown because their circulation has been steadily dropping. A horrible instance of media bias is just today ABC News announced that they were giving President Obama an entire evening of free programming to explain his healthcare plan and to make the case for it. There are two BIG problems with this. One, it is not being paid and two, Republicans and opponents of the plan are not being included. Does anyone actually think the media would have done the same for a Republican? I think not.

It is high time for media bias to go away. Both sides should have their points fairly heard by the audience, which are the voters. They should be allowed to make up their minds about what issues they agree with or disagree with. The press has often treated the public as sheep that need to be herded around and told what to think. Well, Americans are smarter than that and are able to form their own opinions without having a loud mouth television reporter tell a twisted lie in order for people to support a program. If this trend does not stop soon, people will keep turning to other methods of receiving objectionable news instead of being shoveled the same old thing.

Friday, July 03, 2009

God and Country organizers: Pentagon denied flyover

God and Country organizers: Pentagon denied flyover
Bryan Dooley

NAMPA - Organizers of the God and Country Family Festival say the Pentagon denied a military flyover, which the celebration has featured for 42 years, because of the event's emphasis on Christianity.

"Basically, we applied to have a military flyover," Director Patti Syme told the Idaho Press-Tribune Thursday. "We were given (Federal Aviation Administration) approval, and then had to apply through the Pentagon. When we applied they denied our request because, as the gentlemen stated, our Web site specifically stated that this is a Christian event."

The Pentagon did not respond to a request for comment submitted to its media office Thursday evening.

Organizers don't deny the explicitly Christian nature of the annual patriotic rally.

"Yes, it's about as Christian as you can get - we believe in promoting Christianity," Syme said. "And we have no plans to change that."

But Canyon County Commissioner David Ferdinand, the festival board's media contact, said that's not all there is to it.

"It's God and country, and that's the military and all of that," Ferdinand stressed. "You do the flyover to honor the military and the freedoms that they stand for. To me, we're honoring the military when we do that flyover, and that's why we do it. I think they made a bad decision."

Organizers will push to bring the flyover back next year, Ferdinand said.

"The military and the families who have sacrificed their loved ones for this country and for those freedoms deserve to have that flyover," he said.

Ferdinand said it was unclear why, after 42 years, the Pentagon did not approve the flyover this year.

"It's like the guy got on our Web site for a minute and just looked at that one thing," he said.

He said Syme told him the Pentagon representative she spoke with was very understanding and said the military would love to participate but could not do so because of the explicit endorsements of Christianity.

Syme's husband Scott Syme, a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserve who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, ran for U.S. Senate in 2008.

Christian activist Brandi Swindell sent a text message about the lack of the flyover from Wednesday night's event at the Idaho Center amphitheater. She followed up with another message Thursday.

"This is unbelievable and deeply troubling," Swindell wrote. "The Pentagon does not have the authority to discriminate against Christian groups or events. This type of religious bigotry is unconstitutional. How sad to see this lack of respect and level of blatant bias surrounding the 4th of July celebration."

Pam Baldwin, executive director of the Interfaith Alliance of Idaho, said there's no basis for the assertion that the denial amounted to federal government discrimination against Christians.

"Everything is not about whether folks are Jews or Christians or Muslims," she said. "If people are saying that, they're probably looking for media attention or looking to disparage other faiths."

Baldwin questioned whether a flyover of the event would have been a prudent use of public resources, especially in light of the deep recession.

Lou Dobbs-Hate Crimes going down -not up

Hate Crimes Episode 1

Thursday, July 02, 2009