Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Morning Joe=Morning Jerk

The encounter of Tuesday mornings show of Morning Joe, was a digusting specatacle of a gagle of idiots. Mocking Glenn Beck made them look like the school bully that is so insecure they have to pick on the Good kid in school, because they are jealous. Mika, Joe, and your flaky guests-Shut UP and Go Home. You aint got it and Glenn does!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

American Idol President

The President is very determined to have a BIGGER Government!!!And he is doing it with the pretext that he is saving our Country. If this isn't a piece of work. I thought his words on last nights Press Conference, was kinda self prophetic. He said he felt like he was on American Idol and everyone else was Simon Cowell. Well, him being on American Idol, is true. He ran a race that wasn't about the direction of our Country. He ran a race that saturated the population that he could bamboozle. He and his minions captured this Country!! But Americans are not stupid!!!Go on a search engine. Type in "I regret voting for Barack Obama" you will be amazed. And as Dick Morris says,Obama does not care to be re elected!! He cares about his footprint, that is it!!! He thinks he is Abraham Lincoln. Reality Check-Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. He did not believe in Big Government.He was a man of integrity. We knew about his education, about his past. All we have gotten from this President is a fairy tale that was made up. He is a Homogenized President that sang the tune right and the most people called in to American Idol-Voila!! We have the American Idol President!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ron Paul

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Liberals Esteem Themselves Way too Much!!

Reading Liberal Garbage today. So tedious!! Don't they have any other mantra besides "Oh poor us, we didn't do it, it's someone else's fault" These misguided folks are quite sad, really!!! They have no moral base! None whatsoever.
In fact, they haven't changed their tune since the 60's, you know that era that they like to refer to as the "Age of Aquarius!! Love, Peace , Dope. The Love thing, kinda got translated to "have sex with whoever, and as many whoevers the better". Well that behavior ushered in the Aids epidemic. You know the virus, that the Liberal Media labeled as "Everyone's disease". Hiding from the Country where and what behavior caused such a tragedy!! The Peace thing, well it brought about smelly , greasy hippies that would spit on fighting young men that came back from Vietnam. Yeah, they were so cool.Ask them, they think so!! And the Dope, well that is almost sewed up, Most of the Liberals smoke the dope or pop the pills, hey they still like to "trip man"!!!
So why does it suprise us when these fried brained losers, talk and it all sounds like Garbage. They live in a bubble that no one in their right mind, wants to be apart of . Then when they come out and speak there gorble, they call us Conservative's dumb, because we don't understand Elitism. Elitism speaks of things discovered while on PCP or Marijuana. This language is spoken to other mindless drones that have no regard for humane life, want more laws so they won't enforce them.The want for more goverment control, because they believe they have such a heightened sense of what this Country needs. They don't admire our forefathers, they regard them as misguided primitive leaders that they will soon straighten out!! They are a wierd bunch , but in their circles, they are BOMB!! They admire people like Cesar Chavez,Fidel Castro, and Che!! Now you know that to admire that muderous bunch you have to be "Not in your Right Mind"

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mr Steele "Don't Sell Out"


We understand you want to update the Republican National Committee, but it does not need updating iT needs to get back to it's roots!!! Have the liberals backed off, No they keeping pushing their antifamily agenda!! They have went from Roe V Wade to wanting homosexuals to marry,destroying the traditional family!!! And when Sean Penn, gets up to the podium at the Oscars and tells christians "Shame on You" he is praised for being inclusive!! Conservatives are so sick of hearing how the Liberal party is so "inclusive". Which in my opinoin is such a BIG LIE!!
Let's take a look!!
Babies can be killed, at will, just so a woman keeps her right to CHOOSE to kill it. Babies, not included in the Liberal Agenda. Christians, bad- because they want to keep marriage between a man and a woman. Christians, not included in the Liberal agenda.Old people that have no more use in them, they want euthinasia,elderly and sick are not in the Liberal Agenda.Capitilist, people that want to have personal responsibility and a free trade market, Capitilist are not part of the Liberal Agenda!!
They have the Audacity to say the GOP is the NAZI Party-give me a break. Hitler wanted to and did kill off what he believed to be an inferior people. Hitler kills Jews. Liberals kill Babies!!! Hitler wanted a market system where everyone shared everything and he was in control of who go what!! Hitler was Socialist. Liberals are Socialist!!Along with the Jews Hitler killed the weak and the feeble. Hitler used Euthanasia. Liberals want Euthanasia.Hitler and Stalin burned Christian Bibles. Hitler anti-Christian. Liberals anti-Christian!!
I have watch these wacko Liberals cry over an animal being abandoned, but the same wackos will march in a line to keep the right of a woman to end the life a human Being!! It is so sick!! The anger we saw in California, after the passage of Prop 8 was so typical of the Liberals.They were fine that Barack Obama won, by the majority, but would not accept the majority had spoke in California!! Irony or Hipocracy!! You be the judge!!!
I gave up all movies, I don't buy them, I don't go and watch them. Maybe we can shut up these Hollywood elites. We need to stop supporting them so they can talk against our principles.They are idiots!! They can stand in front of a camera and act. SO WHAT!! That does not give them liscense to rip this country apart with their Liberal Anti-God Agenda!!! Go to your mansion and sip your whatever and keep your opinions to your crowd, WE DON'T CARE!!!
America Wake Up before it is too Late!!! This Country is Changing, and it does not even resemble the Priciples it was founded on!!!!This is not new Change, Hitler tried this 60 years ago!!!

CPAC- Listen and Learn!!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Conservatives Unite!!

Come on Conservatives!!Get off teh pot!! This is ridiculous, we have got to get our stuff together and make our voice heard!! We need to get the Tea Parties really organized with huge amounts of people.This is what has made this Country Great!! Let our Voices sound loudly, with the Star Spangled Banner running in our heads. Knowing that this Country can not go down the Toilet because America was sleeping when they elected him. His Arrogance they mistakenly took for Confidence and experience!! Remember those cold winters that George Washington kept his men going , when they could go no more!! He did that for us!! For the Free Country that his men fought for.
When the Virginia Company started a little Colony and called it Jamestown. The first Winter 70% of the Colony died. They perservered.They fought their way through the hard times. America it is going to get a lot worse. Economically we are going to be devasted!! But we have our freedom and our dignity!!!! The economy has to hit bottom, if you sell out now, you will have ,no freedom or dignity!!! Come on America "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!!!!"

Socialism is in the Air!!