Friday, September 28, 2007

Olbermann Read it and Weep Putz

The above article is by the final word in ratings for the Big Three Cable News Channels and the way it looks , there is only on "Big Now:. Bye Bye Cnn Bye Bye MSNBC.
America is smart that don't need you talking down to them. Too Little too late.
Olbermann is a freak. Foxnews does not need to denfend itself. You are a liar and call it news. You will trully reap what you sow Mister. You see the numbers and you get sour grapes , how tacky it that?

President Bush : Man of Conviction

I must commend President Bush for his service to our Country. A man that can't be bought and brought real respect back to the White House. Clinton had tarnished the office in such a way that to even think of the Clinton's back in the White House is very disturbing. I pray that the American People see that Liberalism is not a virtue but a rock around the neck of our Great Country, drowning us in the eyes of the World. The liberals blame Bush for the World hating us, for the Radical Muslims coming after us, not at all true. They see the San Fransisco Values, and the hold our whole Country to that Standard. Liberals are the Godless, the deviant parts of our Society, eating away at our Communities. Freedom to Liberals is " Anything goes" And that mentality is a dangerous road. I truly have faith in American Voters to know that our lives are really at stake. If they didn't know it before they should know it after the recent Democrat debate in Dartmouth College. Asked each candidate, how soon they would pull out of Iraq, the answers, I am sure, were not the ones the ultra liberals wanted to hear. Not the Hollywood Elite, not MoveOn. org .
This is reality , not some drug induced Philosophy that's sounds good to a Elite living a unrealistic life. Most Americans live "Real Lives" Paycheck to Paycheck and that want a candidate that can run this Country, with a firm hand.
I personally will never watch a Danny Glover, Sean Penn, or Kevin Spacey movie. Why? I have convictions too. The irony in their alliance with Dictator Hugo Chavez, is that they love free speech but form an alliance with a man that does not let his own people have that right!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hillary Clinton Tsk..Tsk.Tsk

The problem with the Clinton Camp is that the more they try to keep their dealings private the more they seem to see even more daylight. If it is true that Bill Clinton called up Gentleman's Quarterly and threatened them, how is this inconsistent for this group.
Threats and carry through of threats have been witnessed many times thought the careers of these two individuals.
This is a Machine that knows that what the public ,or their followers,think or perceive them to be ,is much more important than what the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" try to put in the public eye. If they can side step, and weasel through , keep quite, they are left blameless in the eyes of the people that so hate the Bush administration so much. Hate does blind, and in the case of the Clintons, they will ,of course monopolize on this hate.
This is the same duo, yes duo, that could have stopped Bin Laden, that cowards down every time he encountered the adversary. The driver , being Hillary Clinton, with the campaign she is running always on her mind and how her husband appeased the masses. Opening the way for her to take the job that she knew she was far more qualified ,than her skirt chasing husband. The wait was difficult , but now she can enjoy the fruits of her labor. And no one will stand in her way. She is determined , focused, and she feels she is truly destined to be President.
The only problem is if the Dems win the 08 election, our Country will forever be changed. This is the same administration that wanted to socialize our health care. Why does that not concern people. In 1950 this would have been called a road to communism and now is being spun as a Liberal with a Health care Plan.
Don't be surprised about what will come out about the Clintons , it will be a "busy as usual" format. The people that vote for them are the same people that wanted to censure President Clinton instead of impeach him for lying. They don't want to hold the office of President at a higher standard.This is truly troublesome. And should be taken very serious.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bush you got the Right Stuff

I have to commend President Bush on his speech in front of the General Assemby today. Kudos!!! You are a mans man, and you make me proud to be an American. You know what we don't and you stand your ground. These are perilous times and you have the whole world on your shoulders.
I am a person that likes to think about how another person deals with the problems in their lives, and moves on. I respect your "stay the course" attitude. That was the attitude of an America that I can't even remember. Of my grandparents and their parents.
Visiting D. C recently I was so moved by the speech of Abraham Lincoln. "United we stand, Divided we fall." That same speech could be given today,and be as valid as it was during the Civil War. What happened to the America that stood on the front line, ready at a moments notice, to defend our Country. Believing in the constitution that built this country?
Our boys are dying over there, and people are turning against their own Country. This is crazy. Is the concept of Radical Islam, just that, a concept?
I am sure that the South felt very right in their stance before entering into the Civil War, pitting brother against brother. So why can't it be understood that Radical Islam is not something we can sit down and hash out.
OK, I guess we can. Radical Islam, wants women to cover their heads, Homosexuality banned and punished. Women who are not virgins at their marriages put to death. Hollywood, oh, your just so gone!! And our terms in the negotiations..... Nothing. Because that is what Radical Islam wants ,all or nothing. And they will not stop until they get it.
So while the Liberals are out there moaning and complaing, putting down our men and women in the Service , our President, just remember this is not a temporary situation. This will go on and on and on.............

And I hope and pray that our Country and come together and know that this President is the best defense we have right now against our enemy that wants us to convert or die.

Olbermann: News Flash

Didn't your momma teach you not to lie? I know she did , but you just need that spotlight so much you just gotta lie on a good man like Bill O'Reilly. It's OK , Keith you still have the whack jobs that watch you. Your base is really safe. I tuned onto you for 5 minutes and catch you in a lie!!! So buddy how much do you lie in your 60 minutes? Why do I turn over for 5 minutes? Well it's like a train wreck , you just gotta look!!! Keith your a a pathetic little man, your accolades are from people who smoke too much green stuff, and have a brain cell, or two, burnt years ago.

Keith you do conservative a great service , keep it up, your rants, I mean. People aren't stupid, most , anyway. You do your job well , Keep it up Dude.... "Whoa man, the guy with the glasses, he throws his papers in the air, and it looks so cooool"

Mars Attacks- Iran

Here we are listening to the President of Iran , first at Columbia University and then at the pulpit of the United Nations. I so love Dennis Miller and the way he relates film , print to our Current Affairs. After all the President of Iran has said and done, we still want to invite him in our homes and see if he wants to "come in peace".
As in the movie "Mars Attacks" , we see each group of Americans go to the Martians , knowing, that they will be able to reason with the big, green ugly monsters, and each time the Martians vaporize these peace seekers. Oh, I can't tell you how the Hollywood Elite can listen and reason with a main that directly blames them for the fall of Morality in our Country. Of course he will court anyone in our Country. Hence he can divide. But do you really think that Anmadinejad wants to sit down with the part of our society his Religion and Country hate at their very core? Go ahead , I seen it before..... Watch "Mars will play that way for sure!!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Idaho Stateman is in the Liberal Wacko's Pocket

The Idaho Statesman is be portrayed by the National Media as if it were this sweet local paper that reflects it community. Hah!!!! This is a joke , we really need someone to investigate this rag. I know not one person that will pay for this paper. It is the consensus of the majority of Idahoans feel this Paper is not worthy to line a ferrets cage. Please America don't think this paper is in the best interest of Idaho, because it is not!!!
Dan Popkey , the reporter, that can't stop patting his self on the shoulder, is a Podunk unprofessional. This I have proof of , read his columns for one month. There's the proof!!!!!

Here comes the Calvary!!!!

Fred Thompson is going to annouce his run for President on September 6. It is fantastic!!!! This is the guy we have been waiting for. This is the man that says what he means and means what he says. No special interest groups will get to this one. He is a strong individual with a clear message, and we are ready for his message. Yes, Fred there will be pressure, but sir, I do believe you are up for the challenge.
The Storm is coming and it's name is Fred Thompson.
This is a man that doesn't have a problem saying the same thing over and over again, because that's what you do. You don't change your mind every time you are in front of a new group of people.
Thank you Fred for coming forward, and answering the call!!!!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Kudos Larry Craig!!!!

Kudos to Larry Craig, Bill Sali,Luna, and Governor Butch Otter. You are a Classy bunch. You knew what had to be done and you did it . You didn't allow the much liberal media to taylor your behavior. You are truly Good people. And the state of Idaho is lucky to have you.
As Conservatives, we know that the Liberal Smear Campaign was in full force. And when they get it rolling , not much can be done to stop it. They knew they could get another Senator, didn't care who they took out. This is the party that defended a President that sat in the Oval office and carried on a Sexual relationship with an intern. This is truly a Party of flip-flop double standards. I guess , they think that because they fight for gay rights and abortion, the Peace Love, Kumbaya crew, that they can do whatever and it's OK.
This is a crazy mentality. This Country Morality is completely out of control.
It is so funny, I traveled to Williamsburg, VA this summer. This was their 400th Anniversary. I visited the Governors House where George Washington , John Adams would come and conduct Virgina's business. As I took a tour by a man dressed in period clothes .We came upon the room where all the lawmakers would gather at long table. The tour guide said that, at times, it would get heated and the men would go and get on their knees and ask God for Guidance.
This touched me dearly. Fast Forward 400 years.... It almost seems that the North and South have returned . But now slavery is replaced with , the life of a baby, Gay Marriage, etc. We are two definite sides and Conservatives have taken the Place of the North as the Morally Right , Just as our Republican President Abraham Lincoln had felt Morally Right to stop Slavery. He had the forsight to know that our Nation was on the wrong path.