Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Government needs Oversight by the People

We have earmarks that are attached to every bill that is of little import and bills that are of great import. The problem is we the people, don't get to see what those earmarks are. When the President sends his proposals to Congress they are public record, but when a legislator wants a new fountain to commemerate someone we have never heard of.....earmark.
Thinking about earmarks and the explanation of why they are nessecary make it so much more important to have them completely public. I am sure that these earmarks, at least alot of them would be considered frivolous spending. Spending of our Money. This practice has been widely exepted ...until now. The jig is up and we aren't going to let up until we know every earmark, even the one that show loyalty to special interest groups. Or the earmarks that could very well be construed as bribery. So Lawmakers it's time to get real....

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Contribute to Fred Thompson's Campain Here

Give Money to Fred Thompson!!!!!!!

Give Money to Fred Thompson!!!!!!!

Give Money to Fred Thompson!!!!!!!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Hope on the Horizon- Named Fred Thompson

I can now breath a sigh of relief at the news that Fred Thompson will most likely run for President. My sigh has turned to fervor because I know that Fred Thompson is the Man that will be the Cowboy this Party was missing. He is what he is.

No hidden agenda, or skinned knees from bowing down to special interest groups. This man is The Man for the job. No doubt in my mind and I think we the American people come back down to the realities of this world, they will get into that booth and know in their gut that Fred Thompsom is the Man for President of the Great Country. The Liberals are pandering to their ultra liberal base, the base that thinks if we leave Iraq and sit down with Iran that all will be right with the world. I hate to make stereotypical statements but... Their base has inhaled too much of something, because they live in an altered universe that does not exist.

Fred Thompson , looks at the world the way it is and they way it could be with the right management. I really earnestly feel that if a Democrat gets into the office of President we are in real trouble. But I have real faith in the American People to know in there heart that people hate us and no matter what we do, they, at the end of the day, will still hate us.