Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bring it On!!!

The Dems are in control and suddenly they are experts at war. What really concerns me is that they are so superficially focused on the 08' election than they are the dire condition of the world.
This war is bigger than Iraq, they have to know that, so why the rhetoric? Because they want to be caught in a great photo op, where they save the world. Please, this group of people are really frightening. If only they can get to the White House and win the next round , they will be Grand!!! This is reality, we are in this for the long haul.
At first, after the President's Speech, and the Dems started their rant, I said " Bring them all home, because we will need them to fight on American soil , because that is where the terrorist will head when we pull out". What will the Dems say then? They will do what they do best, and that is to blame the Republicans, because how can you do wrong, when you have no rules.
Dems don't need rules, except when they can impose them against the Conservative America.